Elevator - Round 1 - 2024/25

This is a preview of the Elevator Fund - Application Form form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Welcome to the Elevator Fund application form.

* indicates a required field.

Elevator Fund

The Elevator Fund is intended for proposals of over $10,000, which will involve a more detailed application and acquittal process. Applicants will need to demonstrate a high level of competency, capacity and planning capability to deliver the stated outcomes in their proposals.

The Elevator Fund is divided into five funding objectives. For an application to be eligible it must align to ONE of these objectives:

Capacity Objective

The purpose of the Capacity objective is to encourage collaborations and partnerships that strengthen individuals, groups and organisations to prosper and grow.

The Capacity Funding objective aims to enable development and delivery of partnerships, projects, initiatives and activities that strengthen our community and the Region.

Place Objective

The purpose of the Place objective is to enable the development of accessible, vibrant, inclusive and engaging places and spaces for community through projects and initiatives that create safe, exciting and engaging spaces for people to connect with the community.

The Place objective aims to enable the development and delivery of initiatives, projects and activities that activates Council’s facilities, parks and open spaces and/or ensure Council’s infrastructure provides safe and accessible social infrastructure that meets the needs of the community now and into the future.

Wellbeing Objective

The purpose of the Wellbeing initiative is to enable the development and delivery of programs and initiatives that foster healthy, safe and supported communities.

The Wellbeing objective aims to provide financial and in-kind funding toward the development and delivery of community led partnerships, initiatives and projects that deliver programs, resources and activities that promote healthy lifestyles, positive wellbeing and safe communities.

Planning Objective

The Planning objective enables the region’s diverse community to develop projects, plans and strategies so groups and organisation prosper and grow the future of our region.

The Planning objective aims enable the development and delivery of Initiatives and projects that enable our diverse community and organisations to develop effective programs, plans and strategies that strengthen our region, organisations and community.

Connect Objective

The Connect objective enables the development and delivery of initiatives and projects that foster well connected communities through the provision of community led programs and activities.

The Connect Funding objective aims to enable the development and delivery of programs and activities that increase community connection, civic participation and understanding across all sectors of the community.

Please indicate the funding initiative your program, project or event aligns to:- * Required
No more than 1 choice may be selected. While the project may align to multiple objectives, please select the ONE with the strongest alignment.